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Eliza & The Delusionals make lemonade from a sour COVID-19 situation

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

Rarely does a band come along that gives an all-out performance and is also down-to-earth, especially during a challenging time around the world. The band I’m referring to hails from the vast Land Down Under. They are Eliza & The Delusionals.

I had the pleasure of shooting photos of these talented up-and-comers. I was very impressed at how carefree each musician was able to utilize the quaint stage at the tiny venue known as The Lunchbox in Phoenix, Arizona. This solidified my previous thoughts that true creative expression has no bounds.

After their set, the Australian indie rock band assembled off stage to sell their wares and conduct a friendly meet-and-greet session. Their ability to return home was uncertain with the U.S. announcement the day after of COVID-19 travel restrictions. It was a time in world history that will be taught in future history classes.

Photo by: Carmen Garza at GigShots!

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